Monday, August 4, 2014

Grape Harvesting Time-Time For Some Jelly

The grapes are ripe for the picking and we sure have a large crop again this year. As of today, I have plucked over 40 lbs. of grapes and there are still plenty more.

These grapes are the size of blueberries and if you didn't know that they were grapes, you would think that they were blueberries. These grapes are picked at their peak and they are so sweet. After doing this for years, I have found that the best way to juice them, is to use our juicer. I have used other methods, which I have mentioned in the past, but I found that using our juicer is a huge time saver. Some of the grapes will be for juice for drinking, while others will be used to make jelly.

I decided to back to using our juice extractor for juicing these small seeded grapes. It worked well, but I needed to run it through a second time. That did the trick. Today, I am going to make grape jelly.  This will be the first time that I am going to make sugar free. The grapes are very sweet on their own, so this should be very tasty.

Here is my first posting about another process that I tried.

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Country N' More specializes in handmade reversible cobbler aprons, cover up and vintage aprons, custom aprons, toddler and children aprons, hanging oven door kitchen towels, embroidered kitchen towels and neck coolers. Each apron is made with the utmost care. Our aprons are perfect for wearing for cooking, crafting, cleaning, gardening, plus so much more. We also have an on line quality quilt fabric store.

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