Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Pupkin Bread From Scratch

Last week, I finally decided to cut open the fairytale pumpkin. I used to use canned pumpkin, until I thought that I could use a fresh pumpkin. I used to also cook the pumpkin in the oven, but of course changed how I did things. I now shred the pumpkin, like you would zucchini, or carrots.

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First, I cut a whole in the top of the pumpkin, and then cut up the pumpkin in slices. The outside is easier to cut off when the pieces are placed on their side.

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It is some work to cut up the pumpkin,but really not that much because of how I choose to cut it up. It helps to have a sharp knife.

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I shredded the pumpkin in our food processor, which was so quick and easy. This pumpkin yielded 31 cups of shredded pumpkin, and I only paid between 4 and 5 dollars.

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This pumpkin yielded would yield 20 loaves of pumpkin bread, but my oldest son wanted some pumpkin pie made with the fresh pumpkin as well.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Custom Waist Apron For Customer

I really like how this apron and matching grocery bag holder turned out. The apron strings were made long enough, so that they can be tied in front. I even added Ric-Rac to the grocery bag holder.

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I like this apron, because it is so country.

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plastic grocery bag holder, which can be used to store rags, etc.

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Cobbler Apron Creation On True Blood Episode

Back in March, I received a phone call from the show True Blood. They liked one of my aprons, and actually wanted two. I only had the one with the garden print, and couldn't make a second one, since I was out of the print. Anyways, they purchased the apron for an episode of True Blood. I was told that the apron was shown at the end of episode 7 and then the one that I knew about was episode 8 (season 4). Since people knew about it, I received a photo taken of the woman wearing my apron in the show. I have had my aprons used in musicals, and film, but when they use it in a film, I just know that it was used, but was never told for what. The woman at True Blood actually told me what episode the apron would be used for. This is so exciting for me.

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Here is the original picture of the apron
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My apron is on the right. The woman looks so cool wearing her hat, garden gloves, and apron.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fresh Strawberry Jam

I just made some homemade strawberry jam. We do not have a large garden, so I purchased some delicious red strawberries at our local farmers' market. I took one jar of jam to the farmers' market, and gave it to the woman who has been selling me strawberries.

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Even had some left over to put on pancakes. Yummy!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Homemade Jams

I haven't had a chance to blog for a while. I have received fresh apricots and plums from my neighbors. Too many to eat, so I have been making jam.

There is nothing like fresh homemade jam. So far, I have made plum, apricot-peach, and peach jam. The nectarines, peaches, and strawberries are calling for something to be made from the delicious fruit. Our wild California Red Grapes will be ripe, so the task to turn the small grapes into jelly will begin. The grapes are small and have seeds, so they are not suitable for eating. Last year, we harvested 25 lbs. of grapes. Not sure how much we will get off the bushes this year, but the bushes are filled with bunches of grapes.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Spiral Herb Garden at Pasadena City College

With the help and supplies from Cal-Earth the students from Pasadena City College Seeds of Change Club (my son is the president of the club) began to building the spiral herb planter. This is a very interesting project and a way to build up a garden vertically. See pictures below:

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They first faced a slope that had to be smoothed out, therefore they got some shovels and moved some dirt.

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The earth bags require clean dirt, so they cleared out an area free of compost and debris. The dirt is mixed with other components to form their mixture.

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Sharon showed them how to use nails to close the side of the earth bags, so that the content would not come out once they compressed the mixture inside the bags.

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They laid out the earth bags before we filled them up.

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They used a hoe and a wheelbarrow to mix the dirt and water.They used a 10-1-1 mixture, which is 10 parts dirt to one part water, but they didn’t add the one part concrete.

The mixture would compress but not crumble and not wring like a sponge. Usually, a lower mix of soil is used to water, but their soil mixture required more dirt.

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They used coffee cans to fill up the bags with our mixture.

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After compressing the bags with the mixture, they finalized the earth bag placement.

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They were able to get up to two levels, before calling it a day.

They will work more on the spiral herb garden.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Natural Egg Dye Recipes
Re-posted from my friend Beverly over at Bee Haven Acres
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Natural Egg Dyes Recipes
Use hard cooked brown or white eggs. After eggs are cooked, quickly cool the water or rinse in cold water. This helps to prevent greening of the yolk. Natural dyes take longer to color the egg, so plan on extra time, or leave the eggs in the refrigerator overnight.
Recipes make approximately 1 cup dye.

Yellow or deep gold:
1 – 2 tsp. turmeric powder, fill cup with boiling water, stir in 1 tsp. white vinegar (dusty after drying, wipe gently with dry cloth & be very careful for stains) Orange or lemon peels, carrot tops, celery seed, & ground cumin can be added for variation.

Peach to orange:
1 large handful yellow onion skins simmered 20 minutes. Now add 1 tsp. white vinegar.

1 large handful of a mix of yellow & red onion skins, prepared as above.

2 – 4 tbsp. freshly grated beets, fill cup with boiling water, stir in 1 tsp. white vinegar Allow to sit overnight. Cranberries or frozen raspberries can also be used.

2 tbsp. grated beets, 2 tbsp. red cabbage, fill cup with boiling water, stir in 1 tsp. vinegar A bluer shade of purple can be made using grape juice concentrate and 1 tsp. white vinegar

Bright 2 – 3 tbsp. chopped red cabbage, fill cup with boiling water, stir in 1 tsp. white vinegar Allow to set overnight. Blueberries may also be used.

3⁄4 - 1 tsp. turmeric, 2 – 3 tbsp. chopped red cabbage, fill cup with boiling water, stir in 1 tsp. vinegar. Spinach leaves, carrot tops, and yellow delicious apple peels can also be used.

Beige to brown:
Strongly brewed coffee, limes, pecan, or walnut shells can be used.
Another method - Place eggs in a single layer in a pan. Cover with water. Add 1 tsp. vinegar and dye materials of choice. (Brighter, deeper colors require more dye material.) Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 15 minutes. Cool quickly. (sit bowl in ice water) Allow to set, covered in the refrigerator overnight if more color is desired. Drain and dry.

From www.sonnewald.org

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Organic Garden and Pasadena City College

Progress is being made in the organic garden at Pasadena City College.
They built another planter using two 2 by 12 lumber for the sides of the raised garden beds. Everyone wanted to give the hammer a swing. It only took a matter of minutes for us to build the sides. The lumber yard was nice to cut everything free of charge.

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P.S. I can't wait to see the vegetables that they harvest from all of this hard work.

The compost bin is no longer at our house and in its new home.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Compost Bin

My son designed a compost bin for the Pasadena City College Organic Garden. It is still work in progress as they are still assembling it. I am happy that the college will be composting the food waste.

Here are a couple of the pictures taken so far. I will be posting a picture when the compost bin is all done.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Frazil Ice At Yosemite National Park-Very Interesting

This is very interesting to say the least, especially the snow cone effect.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

California Science Center Los Angeles

My husband, oldest son and I went to the California Science Center in Los Angeles today. Every day they have a show in the kelp tank.

About Me

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Country N' More specializes in handmade reversible cobbler aprons, cover up and vintage aprons, custom aprons, toddler and children aprons, hanging oven door kitchen towels, embroidered kitchen towels and neck coolers. Each apron is made with the utmost care. Our aprons are perfect for wearing for cooking, crafting, cleaning, gardening, plus so much more. We also have an on line quality quilt fabric store.

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